J Rheum Dis.  2012 Feb;19(1):43-46. 10.4078/jrd.2012.19.1.43.

Acute Pancreatitis as a Complication of Adult Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

  • 1Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. byoo@amc.seoul.kr


Pancreatitis is a rare manifestation of adult Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP). We describe here a 53-year-old man who presented with acute pancreatitis as a complication of adult HSP. Pancreatic involvement in HSP is self-limiting and benign. Prompt resolution can be achieved by treatment with steroids. Elevated serum amylase and lipase concentrations may be early diagnostic indicators of HSP pancreatitis. Patients with HSP who have abdominal pain should be evaluated for pancreatitis by measuring serum amylase and lipase concentrations and by abdominal computed tomography scan, to plan specific treatment and avoid unnecessary surgery.


Henoch-Schonlein purpura; Pancreatitis; Vasculitis

MeSH Terms

Abdominal Pain
Middle Aged
Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch
Unnecessary Procedures


  • Figure 1 Purpuric rash, consisting of petechiae and macules, located over (A) lower and (B) upper extremities of the patient.

  • Figure 2 Abdominal computed tomography findings: (A, B) Peripancreatic infiltration with fluid collection and multifocal bowel wall thickening of the small bowel on admission. (C, D) Nearly complete regression of pancreatitis and bowel wall thickening on the ninth day of steroid treatment.

  • Figure 3 Immunofluorescence microscopic examination of kidney biopsy, showing glomerular (mesangial) IgA deposits.


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