J Korean Acad Nurs.  2012 Dec;42(7):917-927. 10.4040/jkan.2012.42.7.917.

Outcomes-based Curriculum Development and Student Evaluation in Nursing Education

  • 1College of Nursing, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, USA. hsuziekim@comcast.net


A curriculum development model is presented to examine the processes necessary to develop new programs or evaluate existing programs within the philosophy of outcomes-based education in nursing, especially in the context of accreditation. The philosophy of outcomes-based education is to produce individuals who can demonstrate the evidence of competencies in designated areas of education. For nursing education, this means competencies in performing the role of professional nursing as defined by the profession and social needs at the beginning level upon completing a nursing program.
A curriculum development model has been developed analytically based on the literature and experiences.
A 10-step process framework incorporating the tenets of outcomes-based nursing education is illustrated.
This curriculum development framework can be applied in developing new educational programs in nursing or to evaluate and revise existing programs in anticipation of the accreditation process that is moving with a full force in such countries as Korea.


Nursing education; Baccalaureate-standards; Accreditation-standards; Competency-based education; Curriculum

MeSH Terms

Competency-Based Education
Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate/*standards
Models, Educational


  • Figure 1. An outcomes-based curriculum development model.

  • Figure 2. Comparison of the standards for curriculum development in nursing by KABONE & AACN.

  • Figure 3. Process of curriculum development.

  • Figure 4. The frame of curriculum development representing the standards of Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

  • Figure 5. A matrix (an example) for delineation of critical contents for nursing curriculum applying a system of content type.



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