J Korean Acad Nurs.  2011 Feb;41(1):101-109. 10.4040/jkan.2011.41.1.101.

A Comparison on General Education Curriculum of 4-year and 3-year Nursing Schools in Korea

  • 1Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2Department of Medical Education, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. edusunny@paran.com


This study was done to comparatively analyze the general education curriculum of 4-yr and 3-yr nursing schools in Korea.
Ten university 4-yr nursing schools were selected based on universities in Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing 2010 or "2009 Korea's Best Universities-Top 10" published by Joong-Ang Daily. Ten college 3-yr nursing schools were selected based on colleges in Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing 2010.
1) Generally 4-yr nursing schools maintained the relationships between organizational philosophy/purposes and subjects in the general education curriculum. But 3-yr nursing schools did not. 2) In 4-yr nursing schools there was a relatively higher credits ratio of general education curriculum and selective courses than in 3-yr nursing schools. 3) In 4-yr nursing schools variety of courses was relatively higher than 3-yr nursing schools. 4) In 4-yr nursing schools, operating conditions were relatively better (number of tenure professors, ratio of professors to students, Identification of exclusive organization in charge of the general education curriculum) for the general education curriculum than 3-yr nursing schools.
The results identify significant differences in the general education curriculum of 4-yr and 3-yr nursing schools in Korea, indicating that 3-yr nursing schools should make efforts to improve the good quality of general education curriculum.


Curriculum; Nursing education; Nursing schools

MeSH Terms

Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate/*standards/trends
Education, Nursing, Diploma Programs/*standards/trends
Nursing Education Research
Republic of Korea

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