J Korean Soc Endocrinol.
1994 Sep;10(3):306-310.
A Case of Addison's Disease due to Tuberculosis
- We reported a case of Addison's disease due to tuberculosis, which was pathologically confirmed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy. In a 39-year-old man with fatigue, weakness, and generalized cutaneous pigmentation, the diagnosis of Addison's disease was made by the finding of elevated plasma ACTH level and subnormal response to rapid ACTH test. Computed tomographic scan revealed bilateral adrenal mass with heterogenous uptake and peripheral rim enhancement, and calcification. Ultrasoundguided fine-deedle aspiration biopsy of the left adrenal mass disclosed granulomatous inflammation with caseation necrosis. The patient also had active tuberculosis in the right inguinal lymph node.