J Korean Orthop Assoc.  1990 Feb;25(1):117-122. 10.4055/jkoa.1990.25.1.117.

Operative Treatment of the Diaphyseal Fractures of Clavicle (Fresh Fracture and Symptomatic Delayed Union or Nonunion)


All clinical studies reported in the literature have indicated that non-operative treatment is the treatment of choice for the diaphyseal fractures of the clavicle. It has also been suggested by some that open reduction may contribute the development of nonunion. From 1985 to 1989, 23 of 133 diaphyseal fractures of the clavicle were treated by open reduction and internal fixation with the intramedullary pinning with or without cerclage wiring, or prebent plate and screw fixation with supplementary iliac bone graft in each instance. All fractures healed without any complication such as the infection, pin migration, other fixation failure, neurovascular accident, and pseudarthrosis. Based on our experience and review of the literature, we concluded that the indications for open reduction and internal fixation should be: 1. The patient's inability to tolerate prolonged immobilization or recumbency in multiple injury. 2. Widely distracted or displaced fractures in adults. 3. Comminution with one or more large butterfly fragments. 4. Neuro-vascular compromise due to displacement and impingement of the bone fragment. 5. Symptomatic delayed union or nonunion. 6. Refracture. And early operative treatment is safe, reliable and provide excellent results comparable to the conservative treatments.


Clavicle fracture; Early operative treatment

MeSH Terms

Multiple Trauma

Cited by  2 articles

Operative Treatment of Clavicle Midshaft Fractures: Comparison between Reconstruction Plate and Reconstruction Locking Compression Plate
Chul-Hyun Cho, Kwang-Soon Song, Byung-Woo Min, Ki-Cheor Bae, Kyung-Jae Lee
Clin Orthop Surg. 2010;2(3):154-159.    doi: 10.4055/cios.2010.2.3.154.

Operative Treatment of Clavicle Midshaft Fractures: Comparison between Reconstruction Plate and Reconstruction Locking Compression Plate
Chul-Hyun Cho, Kwang-Soon Song, Byung-Woo Min, Ki-Cheor Bae, Kyung-Jae Lee
Clin Orthop Surg. 2010;2(3):154-159.    doi: 10.4055/cios.2010.2.3.154.

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