Korean J Adult Nurs.  2014 Feb;26(1):107-116. 10.7475/kjan.2014.26.1.107.

Effects of Multi-mode Simulation Learning on Nursing Students' Critical Thinking Disposition, Problem Solving Process, and Clinical Competence

  • 1Department of Nursing, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea. tcellkim@jbnu.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of multi-mode simulation learning on critical thinking disposition, on the problem solving process and on clinical competence of nursing students.
A non-equivalent control group with pre-posttest was designed. The participants in this study were 65 students who were enrolled in an emergency and critical nursing course at N university. The treatment group consisted of 33 juniors in 2010 and the control group 32 juniors in 2011. Collected data were analyzed using chi-square, independent t-test, and ANCOVA with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 for Window Program.
There were significant increases in problem solving process and clinical competence in the treatment group who participated in the multi-mode simulation learning compared to the control group who did not (t=-2.39, p=.020; F=12.76, p=.001). However, there were no significant differences in critical thinking disposition between the treatment and control group (t=0.40, p=.692).
Multi-mode simulation is an effective teaching and learning method to enhance the problem solving process and clinical competence of nursing students. Further exploration is needed to develop and utilize multi-mode simulation for diverse scenarios, depending on emergency nursing educational goals and environments and to develop a universal method to measure outcomes.

MeSH Terms

Clinical Competence*
Emergency Nursing
Patient Simulation
Problem Solving*
Students, Nursing


  • Figure 1. Research process.


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