Korean J Adult Nurs.  2016 Aug;28(4):447-458. 10.7475/kjan.2016.28.4.447.

Effectiveness of Student Learning with a Simulation Program focusing on Cardiac Arrest in Knowledge, Self-confidence, Critical Thinking, and Clinical Performance Ability

  • 1Chosun Nursing College, Gwangju, Korea.
  • 2College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea. sh3749@hanmail.net


This study was designed to describe the effects of a nursing simulation focused on patients with cardiac arrest. The study was designed to measure knowledge, self-confidence, critical thinking, and clinical performance ability of nursing students.
A non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental design was used. Thirty students in the experimental group received two hours of pre-learning and three hours of skill and simulation practice. Another thirty students in the experimental group received a two hour conventional lecture and three hours for skill practice. The post survey was completed by both groups.
Students in the experiemetal group scored significantly higher than students in control group. The critical thinking disposition was not significantly different between the two groups of students.
The results indicate that a simulation education program is more effective in a number of areas including knowledge, self-confidence, and clinical performance. It is recommended that simulation education should be expanded to various clinical situations.

MeSH Terms

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Heart Arrest*
Patient Simulation
Students, Nursing


  • Figure 1 Research design.

Cited by  1 articles

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Hee Chong Baek, Young Ran Lee, Jong Eun Lee, Jin Hwa Lee, Hyung Seon Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2017;28(3):324-333.    doi: 10.12799/jkachn.2017.28.3.324.


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