Korean J Perinatol.  2015 Sep;26(3):260-264. 10.14734/kjp.2015.26.3.260.

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn Caused by Anti-M in 2 Male Siblings

  • 1Department of Pediatrics, Cheil General Hospital & Women's Health Care Center, Dankook University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. ykleeped@hanmail.net
  • 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Cheil General Hospital & Women's Health Care Center, Dankook University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) caused by anti-M is rare and clinical manifestations are variable ranging from mild anemia and hyperbilirubinemia to hydrops fetalis and intrauterine fetal death. There were few reports of HDN caused by anti-M in Korea but no case in siblings. We experienced a case of 2 male siblings, both of whom had anti-M induced HDN and prolonged anemia persisted for over a month. We report this case with a brief review of literature. This report documents the first case of HDN caused by anti-M in siblings in Korea.


Anti-M; Hemolytic disease of newborn; Anemia; Hyperbilirubinemia; Jaundice

MeSH Terms

Erythroblastosis, Fetal
Fetal Death
Hydrops Fetalis
Infant, Newborn*


  • Fig. 1. Total bilirubin changes in case 1 and case 2.

  • Fig. 2. Hemoglobin changes in case 1 and case 2.



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