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Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a well-known hydroxyl radical scavenger, which is
readily absorbed through biological membranes. We studied the effects of locally
applied DMSO on acute spinal cord injury. Either 10% DMSO in saline (n=8) or
saline alone (n=7) was applied directly to the exposed cervical spinal cord of
rats 1 hour after clip compression injury of 26 g force for 1 minute. The
outcomes measured were spinal cord blood flow and evoked potentials. Spinal cord
blood flow was not significantly different between these two groups. Although
the evoked potentials showed spontaneous recovery after injury, there was no
significant difference between the groups. In this study we failed to show any
beneficial effects from topical application of high-dose DMSO on spinal cord
blood flow or evoked potentials after acute spinal cord injury.