KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites.
Eph receptors and their ligands, ephrins, are abundantly expressed in neuroepithelial cells of the early embryonic brain. Overstimulation of Eph signaling in vivo increases apoptotic cell death of neuroepithelial cells,...
Roundabout (Robo) is the transmembrane receptor for slit, the neuronal guidance molecule. In this study, the tyrosine phosphorylation of Robo was observed in Robo-transfected human embryonic kidney cells and developing...
The Eph family is thought to exert its function through the complementary expression of receptors
and ligands. The dorsal mesencephalon appears to be segmented into two broad regions demarcated by the...
Kim KY, Lee SK, Kim MH, Cheong JY, Cho SW, Yang KS, Kwack K
KMID: 2166419
Genomics Inform.
2008 Dec;6(4):192-201.
Erythropoietin-producing human hepatocellular carcinoma receptor B1 (EPHB1) is a member of the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases that mediate vascular system development. Eph receptor overexpression has been observed in...
Neuropathic pain is a complex chronic pain state caused by the dysfunction of somatosensory nervous system, and it affects the millions of people worldwide. At present, there are very few...
BACKGROUND: Eph receptors and ephrin ligands have several functions including angiogenesis, cell migration, axon guidance, fluid homeostasis, oncogenesis, inflammation and injury repair. The EphA2 receptor potentially mediates the regulation of...