Korean J Schizophr Res.  2024 Apr;27(1):1-13. 10.16946/kjsr.2024.27.1.1.

A Review of Mobile App-Based Psychosocial Intervention for Personal and Clinical Recovery for People With Psychosis

  • 1Department of Clinical Psychology, Yong-In Mental Hospital, Yoingin, Korea
  • 2WHO Collaborating Centre for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Community Mental Health, Yoingin, Korea


The social and economic costs of severe mental illness, including psychosis, are increasing, and methods to reduce costs such as a mobile app-based approach have been tried more than ever. This study aims to explore and analyze the methods that have been used in previous studies for mobile app-based psychosocial interventions for personal and clinical recovery of psychosis.
To identify mobile apps associated with psychosis, psychotic disorder, and other related terms, we searched for literature published from 2017 to 2023 (n=21). After classifying them into personal and clinical recovery, we qualitatively analyzed each study’s topics, objectives, measurement tools, results, and other aspects.
For personal recovery, the focus was mainly on improving daily living, self-management, and cognitive and social function improvement, and for clinical recovery, the focus was mainly on preventing symptom recurrence and managing symptoms. Mobile apps for improving daily living functions, cognitive functions, and relapse prevention have significant effects. While mobile apps for improving social function and symptom management mainly reported smaller effects.
The results of this study suggest that mobile app-based psychosocial interventions for personal and clinical recovery of psychosis are likely to be utilized. Finally, the significance and limitations of the studies were discussed.


Clinical recovery; Digital therapy; mHealth; Mobile application; Personal recovery; Severe mental illness; 개인적 회복; 디지털 치료제; 모바일 애플리케이션; 모바일헬스; 임상적 회복; 중증정신질환


  • Fig. 1. Flowchart of included studies.

  • Fig. 2. The directions of each target domain for further studies to develop the mHealth for psychosis recovery.


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