Korean J Schizophr Res.  2024 Apr;27(1):14-19. 10.16946/kjsr.2024.27.1.14.

Importance of Early Detection in Early Psychosis

  • 1Department of Psychiatry, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


Early psychosis is the term coined in the hope that early intervention and treatment would benefit the long-term clinical outcomes of patients with psychosis. According to the clinical staging of psychosis, clinical high risk for psychosis and first-episode psychosis are allocated to early psychosis. Here, we described several clinical issues regarding the importance of early detection in early psychosis. As for clinical high risk for psychosis, we addressed the prevalence and clinical courses of clinical high risk for psychosis and whether early intervention services can lower the risk of psychosis onset in individuals with clinical high risk for psychosis. Regarding first-episode psychosis, we showed the prevalence of first-episode psychosis, the patterns, definitions, and clinical implications of the duration of untreated psychosis, and whether early intervention services can reduce the duration of untreated psychosis. With further research, we hope to achieve convincing evidence that early intervention can provide longterm benefits to patients with psychosis.


Clinical high risk for psychosis; Early detection; Early intervention; Early psychosis; First-episode psychosis; 정신증 고위험군; 조기 개입; 조기 발견; 조기 정신증; 초발 정신증


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