J Korean Med Sci.  2023 Nov;38(45):e391. 10.3346/jkms.2023.38.e391.

Associations Between Phthalate, Eosinophil, and Aeroallergen Sensitization in Schoolchildren

  • 1Department of Emergency Medicine, Gumi CHA Medical Center, CHA University, Gumi, Korea
  • 2Department of Environmental Education, Kongju National University, Gongju, Korea
  • 3Department of Pediatrics, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University School of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea
  • 4Department of Biostatistics, Soonchunhyang University Gumi Hospital, Gumi, Korea
  • 5Department of Pediatrics, Soonchunhyang University Gumi Hospital, Gumi, Korea


Phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are endocrine-disrupting chemicals and may cause immunological disorders in children. Therefore, according to the region, we investigated urinary phthalates and BPA levels and the relationship between urinary phthalate, aeroallergen sensitization, and eosinophil count during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
In total, 203 schoolchildren (134 residential and 69 industrial) aged 7–10 years were enrolled between July 2021 and July 2022. The BPA, metabolites of four high-molecularweight phthalates (Σ4HMWP) and three low-molecular-weight phthalates (Σ3LMWP), were measured in the urine samples. Total eosinophil count and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were also measured along with the skin prick test.
The two groups had no differences in terms of BPA. The industrial group had significantly more plastic container usage, and there was a difference in the Σ3LMWP (P < 0.001) between the two groups but no difference in the Σ4HMWP (P = 0.234). The quartiles of urinary Σ4HMWP and Σ3LMWP (P < were not associated with the total eosinophil count, vitamin D level, or TEWL. After adjusting for cofactors, the quartiles of urinary Σ4HMWP and Σ3LMWP were significantly associated with total eosinophil count (P < 0.001) but not with aeroallergen sensitization or vitamin D.
Exposure to phthalates was significantly associated with eosinophil count but not with aeroallergen sensitization or vitamin D. Therefore, reducing the use of plastic containers may effectively prevent exposure to phthalates and reduce Th2 cell-mediated inflammation in children.


Aeroallergen Sensitization; Children; Phthalate; Vitamin D


  • Fig. 1 Comparison of total eosinophil count (A and B), TEWL (C and D), vitamin D (E and F) in children with different levels of Σ4HMWP of Σ3LMWP metabolites (Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance).TEWL = transepidermal water loss, Σ4HMWP = four high-molecular-weight phthalates, Σ3LMWP = three low-molecular-weight phthalates.


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