J Korean Acad Oral Health.  2021 Sep;45(3):156-160. 10.11149/jkaoh.2021.45.3.156.

Influences of organizational commitment, positive psycological capital on job embeddedness of clinical dental hygienists

  • 1Department of Dental Hygiene, Deajeon Health Institute of Technology, Daejeon, Korea


This study aims to determine the degree of organizational commitment, positive psychological capital, and job embeddedness among clinical dental hygienists, as well as the factors that affect their job embeddedness. The goal then is to optimize the data to develop programs that will keep the hygienists from quitting their occupations.
A self-reported questionnaire was filled out by 190 clinical dental hygienists from Feb 1 to April 30, 2021. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0.
Dental hygienists scored 3.30 points on job embeddedness. These factors accounted for 68.6% of the variance in dental clinic hygienists. The variables influencing job embeddedness were Position_dummy (general hygienist/senior hygienist) and organizational commitment. These factors had a variance of 68.6% among clinical dental hygienists.
Job embeddedness of clinic dental hygienists is related to organizational commitment and positive psychological capital, and job embeddedness turned out to be the biggest effect factor. Therefore, developing programs and institutional support mechanisms for clinical dental hygienists is important to enhance their positive psychological capital and organizational commitment.


Dental hygienist; Job embeddedness; Organizational commitment; Positive psychological capital



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