J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2015 Dec;21(5):530-541. 10.11111/jkana.2015.21.5.530.

Effects of Self-efficacy, Career Plateau, Job Embeddedness, and Organizational Commitment on the Turnover Intention of Nurses

  • 1Department of Nursing, International University of Korea, Korea.
  • 2Department of Nursing, Gyeongsang University, Korea. hambo2628@hanmail.net


This study was designed to construct a structural equation model and identify the effects and relationships of self-efficacy, career plateau, job embeddedness, organizational commitment and intent to turnover for nurses. Also, an attempt was made to derive a hypothetical model from these factors and to verify whether the model has validity as a means of explaining and anticipating turnover intention of nurses.
Data were collected from six randomly selected hospitals: a university hospital located in J city, Kyungnam and five general hospitals located in two cities (cities B and C), each having 400 to 720 beds. Also, 318 nurses were surveyed. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0 program.
Job embeddedness and organizational commitment were identified as the most likely paths to turn over intention. Also, organizational commitment had the highest direct effect on turnover intention followed by job embeddedness and then self-efficacy, but career plateau had an indirectly effected turnover intention.
As turnover intention was found to be greatly affected by organizational commitment and job embeddedness, methods to improve organizational commitment and job embeddedness should be actively developed to reduce turnover intention among nurses.


Self-efficacy; Career plateau; Job embeddedness; Organizational commitment; Turnover intention

MeSH Terms

Hospitals, General


  • Figure 1 Path diagram of the modified model.

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