Korean J Dermatol.
1997 Dec;35(6):1198-1202.
Two Cases of Actinic Granuloma
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Dermatology, Asan Medical Center, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea.
Actinic granuloma is a specific disease entity characterized by clinical lesions indistinguishable from granuloma annulare, but occuring on solar damageci skin. Ilistologically, elastic tissues are destroyed by the granulomatous process in actinic granuloma, but not, in granuloma anriulare. We report two cases of actinic granuloma with each diagnosed as a giant cell and sarcoirlal variant of the disease. Interestingly, one case developed on the non sun-exposed skin and anothr case related to the history of an insect bite.