J Korean Med Assoc.  2018 Jun;61(6):337-341. 10.5124/jkma.2018.61.6.337.

Problem of sexual violence in the medical system and plans for improvement from a legal perspective

  • 1Law Firm GL, Seoul, Korea. butitree@hanmail.net


With the emergency of the MeToo movement, some medical professionals have courageously expressed their experiences with sexual harassment and violence, but victims' fear of retaliation or career damage is still a major reason for which they may hesitate to come forward with their experiences. Manuals presenting standards for sexual harassment and sexual violence in each hospital should be standardized, so that the victims can solve these problems within the system. Taking steps to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence in medical institutions and implementing procedures for reporting and responding to sexual harassment and sexual violence will contribute to gender equality and the eradication of sexual harassment and sexual violence in the medical system.


Sexual violence; Sexual harassment; Medical field; MeToo movement

MeSH Terms

Sex Offenses*
Sexual Harassment


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