Korean J Child Health Nurs.
1997 Feb;3(1):5-18.
The Educational Needs of the Mothers of LBW infant and Normal Neonate
- This study was designed to compare the educational needs of the mothers of LBW infants and normal neonate for development of the educational program.
The subjects for this study were 37 mothers of LBW and 60 mothers of normal neonate at 3 general hospitals in Seoul and Inchon. The data were collected during the period from July to November, 1996.
The Educational Need for Infant Care was measured by questionnaire that has developed by researchers. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics, non-paired t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA using SPSS PC+.
The results were as fellow ;
1) The educational needs of the mothers of LBW infant were higher than the mothers of normal neonate(F=14.50, P=.000).
2) There were significant associations between the educational needs of the mothers of LBW infant and delivery history(nullipara, or multipara.) and caregiver of postpartum(t=-2.08, P=.045 ; F=3.94, P=.0282).
3) There were significant associations between the educational needs of the mothers of normal neonate and numbers of children and caregiver of postpartum(F=5.53, P=.0064 ; F=3.22, P=.0480).
4) The educational need by content was signs, symptomes and management of disorders(i.g.cyanosis, seizure, fever, vomiting, etc.) were higher than general care of baby(i.g. feeding, diaper change etc.) at two groups.
In conclusion, when the nurses teaching the method of infant care to mother, there should be in consideration of delivery history and caregiver of postpartum. Also, its educational contents must be included of signs, symptomes and management of disorders.