J Pathol Transl Med.  2015 Mar;49(2):177-179. 10.4132/jptm.2015.02.04.

Malakoplakia Affecting the Umbilical Cord

  • 1Department of Pathology, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Goyang, Korea. hskim@paik.ac.kr


No abstract available.

MeSH Terms

Umbilical Cord*


  • Fig. 1. Representative macroscopic and microscopic images of the lesion. (A) The middle portion of umbilical cord is focally enlarged, inside which an ill-defined white to brown horseshoe-shaped area (arrowhead) surrounding the umbilical vessels is noted. (B) The concentrically laminated, round-ovoid, basophilic calcified bodies, referred to as Michaelis-Gutmann bodies, are seen within macrophages (arrowhead). (C) This lesion is composed of multiple, small, round to oval, calcified bodies (calcospherites), Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (arrowheads), and an inflammatory infiltrate containing mainly necrotic macrophages. (D) The Michaelis-Gutmann bodies (arrowheads) are also observed in the noncalcified area.


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