J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs.  2017 Mar;28(1):23-33. 10.12799/jkachn.2017.28.1.23.

Mediating Effects of Self-leadership in the Relationship between Public Health Nurses' Organizational Culture and Their Job Performance

  • 1Department of Nursing, Inje University, Busan, Korea.
  • 2Busan Meropolitan City, Health Promotuin Division, Busan, Korea.
  • 3Department of Nursing, Dong-eui Institute of Technology, Busan, Korea. sangju01@dit.ac.kr


The purpose of this research is to enhance organizational competitiveness of health centers as well as private medical institutions serving as public health and medical institutions. It tries to help them to cope with the requirements from health consumers, to enhance public health nurses' job performance.
After verifying the reliability of the tool, confirmatory factor analysis was used to detect a model, in which valid path coefficients exist among variables. The detected model was then selected as the subject and its validity was verified. Finally, a structural equation model was applied to verify whether the estimate was suitable for the purpose of this research.
As for the nursing organizational culture, the public health nurses considered relation-oriented culture the most desirable. As for the self-leadership, they considered self-compensation the most desirable. It was found that mediating effects of self-leadership was partially significant.
To enhance job performance, it is necessary to make a transition from the organizational culture to the relation-oriented culture and it is also necessary to develop a program capable of reinforcing self-leadership. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a research to verify whether such a developed self-leadership program is influential on job performance enhancement.


Organizational culture; Job performance; Public health nurse

MeSH Terms

Nurses, Public Health
Organizational Culture*
Public Health*
Work Performance*


  • Figure 1. Structural equation modeling using modified data.



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