J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs.  2016 Sep;25(3):187-194. 10.12934/jkpmhn.2016.25.3.187.

Factors Influencing Field Adaptation in Newly Graduated Nurses

  • 1College of Nursing, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea. jypark@konyang.ac.kr


The purposes of this study were to investigate the effects of workplace bullying and positive psychological capital on field adaptation in newly graduated nurses.
The participants in this study were 132 nurses from three tertiary hospitals who had less than 12 months of nursing experience. From March 28 to May 15, 2016, data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS/WIN 22.0.
The mean score for field adaptation of participants was 2.98±0.39, for workplace bullying, 1.61±0.66, and for positive psychological capital, 3.67±0.54. Sub domains of workplace bullying showed a negative correlation with field adaptation (r=-.21~-.39), and Sub domains of positive psychological capital showed a positive correlation with field adaptation (r=.35~.47). Significant factors that influenced field adaptation were optimism of positive psychological capital and work related bullying of workplace bullying. These factors explained 33.0% of the variance in field adaptation.
These findings indicate that positive psychological capital at the individual level and workplace bullying at the organizational level should be the focus in the efforts to promote effective field adaptation in newly graduated nurses.


Workplace; Bullying; Psychology; Adaptation; Nurses

MeSH Terms

Tertiary Care Centers

Cited by  1 articles

Factors Affecting New Graduate Nurses' Intention on Retention in Hospitals: Focused on Nursing Organizational Culture, Empowering Leadership and Organizational Socialization
Eun Gyung Kim, Myun Sook Jung, Jong Kyung Kim, Sun Ju You
J Korean Acad Nurs Adm. 2020;26(1):31-41.    doi: 10.11111/jkana.2020.26.1.31.


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