J Korean Soc Plast Reconstr Surg.  2001 May;28(3):310-314.

6 Cases of Salivary Gland Tumors Arising at Buccal and Masseteric Area

  • 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, KyungHee University, Seoul, Korea.


This is a case report of salivary gland tumors developed at buccal fat pad and masseteric area which are considered rare and characterized by asymptomatic mid-cheek mass. Three cases were diagnosed as accessory parotid gland tumor and the other 3 cases as minor salivary gland tumor with tissue pathology. Accessory parotid gland lies 6 mm anterior to the main parotid gland and accessory parotid gland tumors represent 1% of all parotid tumor. It can be managed solely by resection of the accessory parotid gland without superficial or total parotidectomy. Minor salivary gland tumors represent 10-20% of all salivary gland tumor and are usually found on the palate, paranasal sinuses and cheek. Buccal minor salivary gland tumors are usually found incidentally as submucosal mass at buccal mucosa and managed by wide excision including 1-2 cm free margin through intra-oral approach. This paper reviews our experience with these unusual tumors in terms of clinical manifestation, radiologic findings and the acceptable surgical management.


Accessory parotid gland tumor; Minor salivary gland tumor

MeSH Terms

Adipose Tissue
Mouth Mucosa
Paranasal Sinuses
Parotid Gland
Salivary Glands*
Salivary Glands, Minor
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