J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2010 Jun;16(2):121-142.

A Study on Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, Outcomes Frequently Used and Linkage to NANDA-NOC-NIC in Major Nursing Departments

  • 1Department of Nursing, Dankook University, Korea. jongkimk@dankook.ac.kr


The purpose of this study was to identify NANDA, NIC, and NOC frequently used and their linkages in major nursing departments for development of the nursing process and nursing management system.
This study was a descriptive study. Data were collected from 123 nurses who worked in medical, surgical, pediatric, gynecologic, and psychiatric department. The questionnaire was based on the NANDA, NOC, NIC, and NANDA-NOC-NIC linkage system. This research was analyzed by an EXCEL program and SPSS Pc+15.0.
Nursing diagnoses frequently used were 'anxiety', 'disturbed sleep pattern', 'activity intolerance', 'social isolation', 'nausea', 'ineffective airway clearance', 'chronic pain', nursing outcomes frequently used were 'thermoregulation', 'bowel elimination', 'pain control', 'vital sign status', 'pain level', and nursing interventions frequently used were 'nausea management', 'airway suctioning', 'bowel elimination management', 'diarrhea management', 'medication management'. NANDA-NOC-NIC linkages in major nursing departments were recognized, and these results were similar to the results of other researches.
The results of this study will be provided as a guideline to apply to the nursing process and development of the nursing process system with the NANDA-NOC-NIC linkage in major nursing department.


Nursing diagnosis; Nursing intervention; Nursing outcome; Linkage system

MeSH Terms

Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing Process
Surveys and Questionnaires


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