J Korean Acad Prosthodont.  2012 Apr;50(2):99-105. 10.4047/jkap.2012.50.2.99.

Three-dimensional finite element analysis for influence of marginal bone resorption on stress distribution in internal conical joint type implant fixture

  • 1Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea. cmjeong@pusan.ac.kr
  • 2Osstem Implant Research Center, Busan, Korea.


The change of the marginal bone around dental implants have significance not only for the functional maintenance but also for the esthetic success of the implant. The purpose of this study was to investigate the load transfer of internal conical joint type implant according to marginal bone resorption by using the three-dimensional finite element analysis model.
The internal conical joint type system was selected as an experimental model. Finite element models of bone/implant/prosthesis complex were constructed. A load of 300 N was applied vertically beside 3 mm of implant axis.
The pattern of stress distribution according to marginal bone resorption was similar. The maximum equivalent stress of implant was increase according to marginal bone resorption and the largest maximum equivalent stress was shown at model of 1 mm marginal bone resorption. Although marginal bone loss more than 1mm was occurred increasing of stress, the width of the stress increase was decreasing.
According to these results, the exposure of thin neck portion of internal conical joint type implant is most important factor in stress increasing.


Internal conical joint type implant; Marginal bone resoprtion; Three-dimensional finite element analysis

MeSH Terms

Bone Resorption
Dental Implants
Finite Element Analysis
Models, Theoretical
Dental Implants


  • Fig. 1 Mesh status of three dimensional finite element model with internal conical type implant system.

  • Fig. 2 Contact Conditions.

  • Fig. 3 Loading condition for finite element model.

  • Fig. 4 Maximum principle stress of fixture for bone resorption.

  • Fig. 5 Maximum value of maximum principle stress of fixture for bone resoprtion.


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