Obstet Gynecol Sci.  2016 Mar;59(2):163-167. 10.5468/ogs.2016.59.2.163.

Pelvic artery embolization in the management of pelvic arterial bleeding following midurethral sling surgery for stress urinary incontinence

  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. hschae@amc.seoul.kr


The transobturator tape (TOT) method is the recent minimally invasive midurethral sling surgery. The TOT method was invented to reduce complication rate of surgical technique for female stress urinary incontinence. Pelvic bleeding following TOT procedure, although extremely rare, could be occurred. We presented three cases which treat pelvic arterial bleeding after midurethral sling (TOT and tension-free vaginal tape Secur) surgery via pelvic artery embolization. Therefore we report our cases with brief review of the literature.


Embolization; Pelvic arterial bleeding; Suburethral slings

MeSH Terms

Suburethral Slings*
Urinary Incontinence*


  • Fig. 1 Angiography showed extravasation of contrast from the upper vaginal branch of left internal iliac artery.

  • Fig. 2 (A) Left iliac artery angiography showed extravasation of contrast from pubic branch of Left obturator artery. (B) Left external iliac artery angiography showed extravasation of contrast from left inferior epigastric artery.


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