Korean J Phys Anthropol.  2015 Dec;28(4):197-203. 10.11637/kjpa.2015.28.4.197.

Change of Second to Fourth Digit Ratio according to Age in Korean Children

  • 1Department of Emergency Medical Service, Kongju National University, Korea.
  • 2Research Center for Health Industry, Kongju National University, Korea.
  • 3Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea. sikim@cnu.ac.kr
  • 4Research Institute for Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Korea.


The 2nd to 4th digit ratio (2D : 4D) reflects exposure level of sex hormones in fetal period. The aim of this study is to identify a change of digit ratio according to age and a critical age showing gender difference in Korean children. This study was done on 1,182 children (588 males, 594 females). Data were collected by measuring index and ring finger length on both hands by photocopy. The data were analyzed using SPSS win 21.0. This study showed that the 2nd and 4th finger length and digit ratio of both hands increased with age both male and female. There was no differences in 2nd to 4th digit ratio between males and females until they were 3 years old. However, there were significant differences in 2nd to 4th digit ratio between males and females from the age of four. The results suggest that digit ratio in Korean children increases with age and a critical age showing gender difference is from the age of four.


Digit ratio (2D : 4D); Korean; child; age; change

MeSH Terms

Gonadal Steroid Hormones
Gonadal Steroid Hormones
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