Korean J Obstet Gynecol.  2010 Jan;53(1):83-89. 10.5468/kjog.2010.53.1.83.

Three cases of endometriosis of the urinary tract

  • 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. hdchae@amc.seoul.kr


Endometriosis is a long term, disabling condition and a relatively common disease, affecting 5~15% of the adult female population. Endometriosis of the urinary tract, which occurs mostly bladder or ureter, is rare and accounts for 1 or 2% of cases. However, they may cause hydronephrosis and other serious complications on the involved site. We experienced one case of vesical endometriosis and two cases of ureteral endometriosis, and report these cases with a brief review of the concerned literatures.


Endometriosis; Urinary tract; Hydronephrosis

MeSH Terms

Urinary Bladder
Urinary Tract


  • Figure 1 The computer tomography shows collapsed distal ureter below uterine cervical portion without any obstructive cause.

  • Figure 2 Transvaginal sonography reveals an 2.4×1.7 cm sized polypoid homogenous mass on posterolateral wall of bladder.

  • Figure 3 Cystoscopic view shows a 3~4 cm sized broad-based papillary solid tumor on trigone of posterior bladder wall.

  • Figure 4 The computer tomographic urography shows ureteral tumor suspected as a transitional cell carcinoma at left distal ureter to ureterovesical junction and left hydronephroureterosis.

  • Figure 5 The gross finding of ureter shows the invasion of endometritic tissue into periureteral tissue.


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