Restor Dent Endod.  2013 Feb;38(1):43-47. 10.5395/rde.2013.38.1.43.

Effective application duration of sodium ascorbate antioxidant in reducing microleakage of bonded composite restoration in intracoronally-bleached teeth

  • 1Department of Conservative Dentistry, Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry, Daegu, Korea.
  • 2Department of Dental Biomaterials, Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry, Daegu, Korea.


The aim of this study was to determine an appropriate application duration of sodium ascorbate (SA) antioxidant gel in reducing microleakage of bonded composite restoration in intracoronally-bleached teeth.
Eighty endodontically-treated human incisors were randomly divided into eight groups: control, no bleaching; IB and DB, immediate and delayed bonding after bleaching, respectively; S10m, S60m, S24h, S3d and S7d, bleaching + SA gel for 10 min, 60 min, 24 hr, 3 day and 7 day, respectively. For bleaching, a mixture of 30% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate was applied for 7 day. All access cavities were restored using One-Step adhesive (Bisco Inc.) and then Aelite LS Packable composite (Bisco Inc.). The bonded specimens were subjected to 500 thermal cycles, immersed in 1% methylene blue for 8 hr, and longitudinally sectioned. Microleakage was assessed with a 0 - 4 scoring system and analyzed using nonparametric statistical methods (alpha = 0.05).
Group IB showed a significantly higher microleakge than the control group (p = 0.006) and group DB a statistically similar score to the control group (p > 0.999). Although groups S10m, S60m, and S24h exhibited significantly higher scores than group DB (p < 0.05), the microleakage in groups S3d and S7d was statistically similar to that in group DB (p = 0.771, p > 0.999).
Application of SA gel for 3 day after nonvital bleaching was effective in reducing microleakage of composite restoration in intracoronally-bleached teeth.


Application duration; Composite restoration; Intracoronal bleaching; Microleakage; Sodium ascorbate

MeSH Terms

Ascorbic Acid
Composite Resins
Hydrogen Peroxide
Methylene Blue
Ascorbic Acid
Composite Resins
Hydrogen Peroxide
Methylene Blue


  • Figure 1 Criteria for evaluating microleakage scores. 0, No dye penetration; 1, Dye penetration only into the enemel; 2, Dye penetration up to half of the cavity depth; 3, Dye penetration greater than score 2 without involvement of gutta-percha; 4, Dye penetration with involvement of gutta-percha.

  • Figure 2 Oxidative mechanism of ascorbic acid representing its antioxidant properties.

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