Korean J Urol.
1990 Dec;31(6):883-888.
The Clinical and Urodynamic Features of Diabetic Cystopathy
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Urology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Twenty one ratients diagnosed with diabetic cystopathy in Yongdong Severance Hospital for 6 years were analysed for the clinical and urodynamic features. The mean age was 65.4 years (33-83) and females were twice in number when compared to males. The mean duration of diabetes was 9.7 years. The symptoms were urinary retention, residual urine sensation, abdominal straining, hesitancy, interruption, impaired voiding desire, dysuria in order of frequency. Significant bacteriuria was found in 62% of patients and was more frequent in females, In cases with confirmed bacteriuria, 62% of the identified bacteria was E. coli. Diabetic neuropathy was present in 100% and nephropathy in 77%, nephropathy in 43%. In the presence of one complication, there was a tendency for other concurrent complications. In urodynamic study, the residual urine volume, volume at first sensation, maximum intravesical pressure. compliance were larger than in normal persons and loss of reflex detrusor contraction was more frequent which means impaired bladder sensation and detrusor contractility in diabetic cystopathic patients. The age of patients, duration of diabetes, treatment mode of diabetes, level of blood sugar do not influence the severity of diabetic cystopathy Administration of cholinergics and intermittent catheterization showed a high cure rate and was throughout to be a good treatment mode.