J Korean Pediatr Soc.
1982 Jun;25(6):622-627.
Hyperviscosity Syndrome in Newborn
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Pediatrics School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University Taegu, Korea.
- We experienced Hyperviscosity syndrome in 5 newborn infants during 6 months period from August 1980 to January 1981. Diagnosis was made on the basis of characteristic clinical symp-toms along with polythemia. The following results were obtained. Sex in 5 affected infants showed male in 2 and female in 3. And gestational age showed preterm in 3 and full term in 2 cases. Predisposing factors were intertwin transfusion in 1, placental insufficiency with maternal to-xemia in 2(one of which was accompained with interwin transfusion) and small for gestational age in 1. Signs and symptoms associated with hyperviscosity syndrome were cyanosis in 3, dyspnea in 2, lethargy in 2, plethora in 1, hypocalcemia in 4, hypoglycemia in 2 and hyperbilirubinemia in 2 cases. Partial exchange transfusion was done in all cases, resulting in improvement of polycythem-ia and clinical condition, except 1 expired case.