J Korean Soc Ther Radiol.  1985 Mar;3(1):13-18.

The Result of Radiation Therapy of Vocal Cord Cancer for 15 Years

  • 1Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Korea Cancer Center Hospital, KAER, Korea.


To assess the result of radiation therapy for fifteen years experience, a total of 81 cases of pathologically proven vocal cord cancer had been analysed according to patient survival retrospectively. All the patients had been treated with radiation therapy using Co-0 teleherapy unit in curative aim. The results are as follows ; 1. According to AJCC staging, five year survival rate was 75.0% in stage I, 73.1% in stage II, 36.0% in stage III, and 20.0% in stage IV. 2. According to T-taging, five year survival rate was 75.0% in T1, 73.1% in T2, 24.3% in T3, and 25.0% in T4. 3. According to nodal status, five year survival rate was 59.4% in negative node group and 14.2% in positive group. 4. According to the histologic grade, the better in differentiation, the more in number of cases and the better in prognosis. 5. In summary, five year actuarial survival rate was 55.5% and ten year survival rate was 49.8% and ten year survivors totalled 12 cases.

MeSH Terms

Retrospective Studies
Survival Rate
Vocal Cords*
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