Electrolyte Blood Press.  2010 Jun;8(1):18-24. 10.5049/EBP.2010.8.1.18.

Inevitability of Balance Restoration

  • 1Department of Medicine, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA. man.oh@downstate.edu


Prolonged imbalance between input and output of any element in a living organism is incompatible with life. The duration of imbalance varies, but eventually balance is achieved. This rule applies to any quantifiable element in a compartment of finite capacity. Transient discrepancies occur regularly, but given sufficient time, balance is always achieved, because permanent imbalance is impossible, and the mechanism for eventual restoration of balance is foolproof. The kidney is a central player for balance restoration of fluid and electrolytes, but the smartness of the kidney is not the reason for perfect balance. The kidney merely accelerates the process. The most crucial element of the control system is that discrepancy between intake and output inevitably leads to a change in total content of the element in the system, and uncorrected balance has a cumulative effect on the overall content of the element. In a living organism, the speed of restoration of balance depends on the permissible duration of imbalance without death or severe disability. The three main factors that influence the speed of balance restoration are: magnitude of flux, basal store, and capacity for additional storage. For most electrolytes, total capacity is such that a substantial discrepancy is not possible for more than a week or two. Most control mechanisms correct abnormality partially. The infinite gain control mechanism is unique in that abnormality is completely corrected upon completion of compensation.


Acid-base equilibrium; water-eletrolyte balance; body composition; infinite gain control; external balance

MeSH Terms

Acid-Base Equilibrium
Body Composition
Compensation and Redress


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