J Korean Acad Nurs.  2010 Dec;40(6):757-764. 10.4040/jkan.2010.40.6.757.

Quality of Pediatric Nursing Care: Concept Analysis

  • 1College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. myb98@snu.ac.kr


This paper is a report of a concept analysis of 'quality of pediatric nursing care'.
Rodgers's evolutionary method of concept analysis was used. Data were collected from published literature related to quality of pediatric nursing care.
Quality of pediatric nursing care was identified with three dimensions and seven attributes: 1) nurse's character: technical competence, interpersonal competence, 2) nurse's activities: developmentally appropriate care, attentiveness, entertainment, 3) nurse-parent interaction: nurse-parent partnership, emotional support. Antecedents of quality of pediatric nursing care were 'child and parent's expectation about pediatric nursing care', 'previous caring experience of pediatric nurses'. Consequences of quality of pediatric nursing care were 'meet child and parent's needs' and 'better health outcomes.'
'Quality of pediatric nursing care' is a core concept in pediatric nursing practice. Appropriate instruments to operationalize the concept need to be developed.


Concept analysis; Quality of healthcare; Pediatric nursing

MeSH Terms

Nurse-Patient Relations
Pediatric Nursing/*standards
Professional Competence
*Quality of Health Care


  • Figure 1 Attributes, Antecedents and Consequences of 'Quality of Pediatric Nursing Care'.

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