Clin Endosc.  2024 Mar;57(2):164-174. 10.5946/ce.2023.074.

Role of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and EUS elastography in pancreatic lesions

  • 1Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University, Wakayama, Japan


Pancreatic cancers have a poor prognosis, and their incident rates have risen. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) is an efficient and reliable diagnostic modality for pancreatic lesions, providing high spatial resolution. However, while EUS helps to detect minor pancreatic lesions, nearly all solid pancreatic lesions are hypoechoic, which creates difficulty in making differential diagnoses of pancreatic lesions. When diagnosing pancreatic lesions, the performance of image-enhanced EUS techniques is essential, such as EUS elastography or contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS (CH-EUS). CH-EUS diagnosis is based on assessing the vascularity of lesions, whereas tissue elasticity is measured via EUS elastography. Elastography is either strain or shear-wave, depending on the different mechanical properties being evaluated. The usefulness of enhanced EUS techniques is demonstrated in this review for the differential diagnosis of pancreatic lesions, including solid and cystic lesions, and pancreatic cancer staging.


Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasonography; Endoscopic ultrasonography; Endoscopic ultrasonography elastography; Pancreatic lesion; Staging of pancreatic cancer


  • Fig. 1. Principle of contrast harmonic imaging. Microbubbles in the contrast agent are disrupted or resonate, releasing many harmonic signals after exposure to ultrasound beams. After receiving transmitted ultrasound waves, tissue and microbubbles produce harmonic components that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. The harmonic components from the microbubbles are higher than those from the tissue. Selective depiction of the second harmonic component visualizes signals from the microbubbles more strongly than tissue signals.

  • Fig. 2. Principle of endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) strain elastography. EUS strain elastography expresses the strain created by cardiovascular pulsation through the aorta or compression of the target tissue by the EUS probe. A larger strain indicates softer tissue, while a smaller one indicates harder tissue. The strain appears in different colors according to the elasticity of the tissue: red=soft tissues, blue=hard tissues.

  • Fig. 3. Principle of EUS shear-wave measurement and a EUS-SWE monitor image. Acoustic radiation force (push pulse) is sent to the pertinent point of the region of interest (ROI), and the push pulse generates a shear wave at the edge. The shear-wave velocity (distance/arrival time lag [Vs, m/s]) between two search points is calculated with a track pulse. If the tissue is harder, the shear wave propagates faster. EUS, endoscopic ultrasonography; EUS-SWE, EUS shear-wave elastography; Vs, shear-wave velocity; E = 3(Vs2ρ) (ρ is the tissue density); VsN, the percentage of the net amount of effective shear-wave velocity.

  • Fig. 4. Typical contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (CH-EUS) images of a pancreatic lesion. (A) A representative example of pancreatic cancer showing hypoenhancement. The pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). CH-EUS detected a pancreatic lesion with hypoenhancement (arrowhead) compared with the surrounding pancreatic tissue (right). (B) A representative example of inflammatory mass showing isoenhancement. The pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). CH-EUS detected a pancreatic lesion showing isoenhancement (arrowhead) compared with surrounding pancreatic tissue (right). (C) A representative example of neuroendocrine tumor showing hyperenhancement. The pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). CH-EUS detected a pancreatic lesion with hyperenhancement (arrow head) compared with surrounding pancreatic tissue (right).

  • Fig. 5. Typical endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) strain elastography images of pancreatic lesions. (A) A representative example of pancreatic cancer. A pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). EUS strain elastography detected a pancreatic lesion with a heterogeneous blue pattern (arrowhead) compared with that of surrounding pancreatic tissue (right). (B) A representative example of inflammatory mass. A pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). EUS strain elastography detected a pancreatic lesion with a heterogeneous blue-to-green pattern (arrowhead) compared with that of surrounding pancreatic tissue (right). (C) A representative example of neuroendocrine tumor. A pancreatic lesion was detected as a low echoic lesion (arrowhead) on conventional EUS (left). EUS strain elastography detected a pancreatic lesion with a homogeneous blue color (arrowhead) compared with that of surrounding pancreatic tissue (right).

  • Fig. 6. Typical contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (CH-EUS) images of mural lesions in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. (A) A representative mural nodule. Conventional EUS (left) reveals an isoechoic mural lesion (arrowhead) in a cyst. CH-EUS (right) reveals a mural lesion (arrowhead) with vascularity. (B) A representative mucus clot. Conventional EUS (left) reveals an isoechoic mural lesion (arrowhead) in a cyst. CH-EUS (right) reveals a mural lesion (arrowhead) without vascularity.

  • Fig. 7. Targeting of endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) with contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS (CH-EUS). Conventional EUS showed a low echoic mass (left). CH-EUS showed an enhancing and a non-enhancing area within the lesion (right). EUS-FNA (arrow) was performed with CH-EUS, avoiding the non-enhancing area (arrowheads).

  • Fig. 8. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) elastography for targeting of EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). Conventional EUS showed a low echoic mass (left). EUS elastography showed mixed blue and green areas within the tumor (arrowhead) (right). EUS-FNA (arrow) was performed with EUS elastography, targeting the blue area (arrowhead).

  • Fig. 9. Typical contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography (CH-EUS) images of liver metastasis. Liver metastasis (arrowhead) was detected as a perfusion defect on the Kupffer-phase contrast-enhanced harmonic EUS image (right). Detecting this metastatic lesion on conventional EUS (left) was difficult.


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