J Korean Diabetes.  2023 Dec;24(4):221-226. 10.4093/jkd.2023.24.4.221.

Diabetes and Non‑Nutritive Sweeteners

  • 1Department of Nutrition Services, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea


Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) can provide strong sweetness in small amounts and have fewer calories compared to sugar. However, there is much debate within the academic community regarding their long-term impact on health. For individuals with diabetes who find it challenging to reduce added sugar intake, limited short-term use of NNS may be considered as a step toward reducing sugar consumption. However, ultimately, it is important to reduce both sugar-containing beverages and those containing NNS. Diabetes educators should educate patients about the need for caution when consuming NNS and provide guidance on healthy food choices.


Diabetes mellitus; Education; Non-nutritive sweeteners


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