Korean J Orthod.  2020 Jul;50(4):268-277. 10.4041/kjod.2020.50.4.268.

Biomechanical considerations for uprighting impacted mandibular molars

  • 1Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan


This case report demonstrates two different uprighting mechanics separately applied to mesially tipped mandibular first and second molars. The biomechanical considerations for application of these mechanisms are also discussed. For repositioning of the first molar, which was severely tipped and deeply impacted, a novel cantilever mechanics was used. The molar tube was bonded in the buccolingual direction to facilitate insertion of a cantilever from the buccal side. By twisting the distal end of the cantilever, sufficient uprighting moment was generated. The mesial end of the cantilever was hooked over the miniscrew placed between the canine and first premolar, which could prevent exertion of an intrusive force to the anterior portion of the dentition as a side effect. For repositioning of the second molar, an uprighting mechanics using a compression force with two step bends incorporated into a nickel-titanium archwire was employed. This generated an uprighting moment as well as a distal force acting on the tipped second molar to regain the lost space for the first molar and bring it into its normal position. This epoch-making uprighting mechanics could also minimize the extrusion of the molar, thereby preventing occlusal interference by increasing interocclusal clearance between the inferiorly placed two step bends and the antagonist tooth. Consequently, the two step bends could help prevent occlusal interference. After 2 years and 11 months of active treatment, a desirable Class I occlusion was successfully achieved without permanent tooth extraction.


Orthodontic treatment; Orthodontic implant; Impacted molars; Mechanics


  • Figure 1 Pretreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

  • Figure 2 Pretreatment study model: over-erupted maxillary left first molar occluding onto the mandibular gingiva.

  • Figure 3 Pretreatment. A, Panoramic radiograph; B, lateral cephalometric radiographs; C, cephalometric superimposition.

  • Figure 4 Treatment objectives. A, Treatment plan for repositioning of the molars. B, Schematic diagram of treatment objectives. The maxillary first molar is intruded by 3 mm. The mandibular first and second molars are uprighted by 60° and 30°, and extruded by 6 mm and 1 mm, respectively. U6, Upper first molar; L6, lower first molar; L7, lower second molar; CR, center of resistance.

  • Figure 5 Progress and force system for uprighting the mandibular second molar. A, Left mandibular second molar uprighting using a 0.016 × 0.016-inch (in) square nickel-titanium (NiTi) archwire with two step bends whose distance was 2 mm wider than the inter-bracket distance between the left second premolar and the second molar. B, Force system acting on the second molar when the uprighting mechanics using a compression force is employed. Two step bends, whose distance is 2 mm wider than the inter-bracket distance between the second premolar and second molar, are incorporated into a 0.016 × 0.016-in square NiTi archwire. When the two step bends incorporated into the archwire are squeezed and engaged into the brackets, a mesial force to the second premolar and a distal force to the second molar are generated. Then, an uprighting moment (M), whose magnitude is the product of the magnitude of the distal force (F) and the perpendicular distance (d) from its line of force to the center of resistance (CR), is produced. C, The length of the excess wire distal to the buccal tube on the right first molar was used to shift the archwire to the left to reactivate the two step bends without removing the archwire (circle). D, A crimpable stop placed on the archwire just mesial to the anterior step bend (arrow).

  • Figure 6 Treatment mechanics for uprighting of the left mandibular first molar. A, B, A small molar tube bonded buccolingually and an arrow indicates the insertion direction of the cantilever. C, Force system acting on the first molar and miniscrew when the cantilever mechanics is employed. A dotted line indicates the cantilever in its passive state, and a solid line in its active state. When the cantilever is activated, a moment of couple (MC) to tip the molar distally, an extrusive force on the molar tube, and an intrusive force on the miniscrew are generated. The uprighting moment acting on the molar is the sum of MC and the moment of force (MF). D, The cantilever passes under the main archwire to avoid slipping buccally and the mesial end of the cantilever hooked over the miniscrew (circle).

  • Figure 7 The treatment sequence for uprighting of the left mandibular first molar (the blue arrow indicated) (15M; 15 months after orthodontic treatment started). Progress is shown at treatment times in months. The archwire was 0.017 × 0.022-inch (in) Elgiloy and a 0.016 × 0.022-in stainless steel cantilever was used for uprighting the left mandibular first molar. At 21 months, a molar tube was bonded on the buccal surface of the first molar and the 0.018-in nickel-titanium archwire was engaged for its alignment.

  • Figure 8 Posttreatment facial and intraoral photographs.

  • Figure 9 Posttreatment study model: the left posterior occlusion is normalized.

  • Figure 10 Posttreatment. A, Panoramic radiograph; B, lateral cephalometric radiograph; C, tracing.

  • Figure 11 Superimposition of the pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalometric radiographs. A, On the sella-nasion plane at sella; B, on the palatal plane at anterior nasal spine; C, on the mandibular plane at the menton. Black line, Pretreatment; Red line, posttreatment.

  • Figure 12 Intraoral photographs obtained 2 years after orthodontic treatment.


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