Hanyang Med Rev.  2010 Nov;30(4):284-289.

Occupational Diseases Produced by Emotional Labor

  • 1Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea. kuffs@dku.edu


Emotional labor is a type of labor that workers must manage his or her emotions for creating a company-dictated experience for customers. As the service economy continues to grow, emotional labor is regarding as an important occupational hazard. Emotional labor is a kind of job stressors that may produces various serious adverse health effects such as depression and cardiovascular diseases. However, there are only a few studies on the effect of emotional labor on workers' health in South Korea. The issues on the methodology such as developing measurement tools of emotional labor and selecting exposure variables and outcome variables were discussed. The preventive strategies at the level of individual and organization were suggested.


Emotional labor; Occupational diseases

MeSH Terms

Cardiovascular Diseases
Occupational Diseases
Republic of Korea


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