Korean J Adult Nurs.  2018 Apr;30(2):161-170. 10.7475/kjan.2018.30.2.161.

Factors Influencing Hemodialysis Unit Nurses' Compliance with Standard Precautions using Hierarchical Linear Modeling

  • 1Nurse, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. my1211@hanmail.net
  • 2Division of Nursing, College of Nursing, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.


The purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated with compliance with standard precautions among hemodialysis unit nurses.
A cross-sectional study design was used. One hundred ninety six nurses were recruited from 18 hemodialysis units in South Korea. Data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 to provide descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of the sample and variables. A hierarchical linear model was used to analyze effects of individual and hospital characteristics on nurses' compliance with standard precautions.
The majority of the sample was female (98%) and reported receiving in-service education on infection control (80%). The participants' average year of work experience in hemodialysis units was 7 years and the average nurse-patient ratio was 7:1. At the individual level, the perception of patients' severity, the length of work experience in hemodialysis unit, and the safety climate on infection prevention practices were significantly associated with nurse's compliance with standard precautions. At the hospital level, clinics showed a lower compliance with standard precautions than general hospital or university hospital.
In order to enhance compliance with standard precautions among hemodialysis unit nurses, it is imperative to warrant safety climate on infection prevention practice at clinics and develop infection control educational program for nurses with less work experience in hemodialysis units.

MeSH Terms

Cross-Sectional Studies
Hospitals, General
Infection Control
Linear Models*
Renal Dialysis*


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