J Korean Radiol Soc.  1987 Jun;23(3):446-452. 10.3348/jkrs.1987.23.3.446.

Normal variation of hepatic artery


This study was an analyses of blood supply of the liver in 125 patients who received hepatic arteriography andabdominal aortography from Jan. 1984 to Dec. 1986 at the Department of radiology of Hanyang University Hospital.A. Variations in extrahepatic arteries 1. The normal extrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 106 of 125cases(84.8%); Right hepatic and left hepatic arteries arising from the hepatic artery proper and hepatic arterypropper arising from the common hepatic artery. 2. The msot common type of variation of extrahepatic artery wasreplaced right hepatic artery from superior mesenteric artery: 6 of 125 cases(4.8%). B. Variations in intrahepaticarteries 1. The normal intrahepatic artery pattern occurred in 83 of 125 cases (66.4%): Right hepatic and lefthepatic arteries arising from the heaptic artery proper and middle hepatic artery arising from lower portion ofthe umbilical point of left hepatic artery. 2. The most common variation of intrahepatic arteries was middlehepatic artery. 3. Among the variation of middle hepatic artery; Right middle and left hepatic arteries arisingfrom the same location at the hepatic artery proper was the most common type; 17 of 125 cases(13.6%).

MeSH Terms

Hepatic Artery*
Mesenteric Artery, Superior
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