J Korean Oncol Nurs.  2011 Nov;11(3):221-228.

The Influencing Factors on Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors

  • 1Dongnam inst. of Radiological & Medical Sciences Cancer Center, Busan, Korea. taehope@kosin.ac.kr
  • 2College of Nursing, Kosin University, Busan, Korea.


This study was aimed to identify the influencing factors on the quality of life among breast cancer survivors.
The subjects were 159 female patients who visited out-patient department (OPD) after the mass removal surgery for breast cancer and had completed adjuvant treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy at a university hospital and a general hospital. Data collection was conducted using the Ferrell QOL scale, the Mishel uncertainty scale, the Fitts & Osgoods body image scale revised by Jeon & Kim. the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and the Kang family support scale.
The level of QOL in the participants was in the middle. There were a significant correlation between QOL, uncertainty, self-esteem, and family support. There were significant differences in QOL with the perceived health condition and the best support person. In a regression analysis, the most powerful predictor of QOL was body image (21.7%). Altogether uncertainty and perceived health condition explained 28.6% of the variance of QOL of the participants.
Body image, uncertainty, and perceived health condition were important predictors of QOL. These results demonstrated the need for developing interventions to improve QOL of breast cancer survivors.


Breast Cancer Survivors; Quality of Life

MeSH Terms

Body Image
Breast Neoplasms
Data Collection
Hospitals, General
Quality of Life


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