J Korean Acad Periodontol.  2009 Aug;39(Suppl):253-259.

The effect of implant drilling speed on the composition of particle collected during site preparation

  • 1Department of Periodontics, The Institute of Oral Health Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea. pkoyang@skku.edu
  • 2Kim & Jeon dental clinic, Korea.
  • 3Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, The Institute of Oral Health Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea.


PURPOSE: This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of implant drilling speed on the composition of particle size of collected bone debris.
Branemark System (R)drills were used to collect bone debris from 10 drilling holes (1 unit) at 1,500 rpm (Group A) and 800 rpm (Group B) in bovine mandible. After separating particles by size into > 500 microm, between 250 microm and 500 microm, and < 250 microm fractions, particle wet volume, dry volume, and weight were measured and the proportion of 3 fractions of bone debris to total wet volume, dry volume and weight was calculated as wet volume % , dry volume % and weight %.
No significant differences were found between Group A and B in wet volume, dry volume, and weight. However, of > 500 microm fractions, Group B had significantly higher wet volume % (P = 0.0059) and dry volume % (P = 0.0272) than in Group A.
The drilling speed influenced the composition of particle size in collected drilling bone debris. The drilling in 800 rpm produced the more percentage of large particles than in 1,500 rpm. However, the drilling speed didn't effect on total volume of and weight of bone debris.


dental high-speed technique; dental implantation; particle size

MeSH Terms

Dental High-Speed Technique
Dental Implantation
Particle Size


  • Figure 1 (A) Drilling sites in the bovine mandible. To reduce errors, drill holes were blocked with wax before the next drilling. (B) Two sieves (250 µm and 500 µm) were used tofractionate particles by size.

  • Figure 2 Microscopic view of bone debris. (A) Wood shaving-like particles shown in LP fraction. (B) Particles shown in MP and SP fraction. (Original magnification × 40).

  • Figure 3 Mean fractional percentages for (A) wet volume, (B) dry volume and (C) particle weights from 10 units. LP=particles > 500 µm, MP=particles between 250 and 500 µm, SP=particles < 250 µm. *: statistically significant between Group A and B (P < 0.05).


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