J Korean Acad Nurs Adm.  2010 Jun;16(2):162-171.

Structural Factors Influencing the Quality Management Activities in Nursing Homes

  • 1College of Nursing, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University, Korea. twlee5@yuhs.ac
  • 2Doctoral Candidate of Washington University, USA.


Nursing home quality indicators have been focused widely on result outcomes, not for the environment in that quality of service are delivered. This study aimed to examine structural factors influencing quality management activities in nursing homes. METHOD: Sample was 170 nursing homes responded to the survey questionnaire which was distributed to the 543 nursing homes nation-wide. Data were collected on structural characteristics, types of services, and quality management activities. Data were analyzed with the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlations, and multiple regression. RESULT: Most of the nursing homes were operated as free of charge by the social welfare ownership. Average number of residents was 52.1 with severe and mild dementia and bedridden status. In terms of quality management activities, 34% of the sample had CQI committee that focused their activities on services delivery process, performance appraisal, record keeping regularly. 30.6% of quality management activities were accounted for by the number of residents with dementia, the ratio of RN to residents, rehabilitation services, and social wefare services in nursing homes.
We recommend that more comprehensive quality management activities should be developed as process quality indicators in conjunction with the outcome indicators.


Management quality; Nursing home; Structure activity relationship

MeSH Terms

Fees and Charges
Nursing Homes
Quality Indicators, Health Care
Surveys and Questionnaires
Social Welfare
Structure-Activity Relationship


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