J Korean Acad Fam Med.  1997 Aug;18(8):855-865.

Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Ganglions Developed in Repetitive Job Workers


BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal symptoms, such as pain, numbness, and ganglions on involved joints were common problems in repetitive job workers, who exposed to prolonged, repetitive use of the wrist in factory. This study was performed to compare the degree of musculoskeletal symptoms and prevalence of soft tissue mass (esp. ganglion on wrist) in repetitive job group with those of non-repetitive job group and to evaluate the association of development of ganglion and the duration of wrist use.
Study subjects were 253 workers who work on a brick manufacturing factory and they were composed of 153 non-repetitive job workers and 100 repetitive job workers. Authors conducted a questionnaire survey among workers in the factory and examined their lesions.
There were no significant difference statistically in age, level of education and work duration in both groups. It was statistically significant that the degree of wrist use was more frequent in repetitive job group than in non-repetitive job group(P<0.01). Musculoskeletal symptoms, such as pain and numbness on affected joints were more common in repetitive job group than in non-repetitive job group. Affected side was bilateral in three joints and right only in two joints(P<0.01, P<0.05). The prevalence of ganglions in repetitive job group(6 subjects, 6.0%) was much higher statistically than that in the non-repetitive job group(2 subjects, 1.3%). In a comparison of two groups according to the existence of ganglions, no stasistically significant differences were found in age, level of education and work duration. However, duration of wrist use was statistically significant relation with development of wrist ganglions(P<0.05). The 8 subjects with ganglion on wrist all worked on manufacturing part in the factory. The duration of work ranged from two to fourteen years. The affected sides of ganglions on wrist were right in 3 cases and left in 5 cases. Size of ganglions ranged from 0.5 to 3 cm in diameter. Painful symptom in the ganglion was complained by two cases(25%) among 8 cases.
We suggest that prolonged, repetitive activities such as carrying a brick, have a tendency to develop musculoskeletal symptoms and ganglions in the workers. Because high prevalence of ganglions in this factory seems to be an important occupational problem among repetitive job workers, further studies on the factors contributing to development of ganglions in this factory are needed.

MeSH Terms

Ganglion Cysts*
Surveys and Questionnaires
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