J Korean Orthop Assoc.  2014 Oct;49(5):400-404. 10.4055/jkoa.2014.49.5.400.

An Extradural En-Plaque Meningioma Involving Thoracic Spine

  • 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Dong-Eui Medical Center, Busan, Korea. wonro@hanmail.net
  • 2Department of Pathology, Dong-Eui Medical Center, Busan, Korea.


Reports of extradural spinal meningioma are rare, and differentiation from a metastatic lesion is important. We treated a case of thoracic extradural meningioma with surgical excision and obtained a favorable outcome without recurrence during one-year follow-up. Thus, we report on a case with review of the literature.


meningioma; extradural

MeSH Terms

Follow-Up Studies


  • Figure 1 (A) On T1-weighted images, a mass separated from dura mater that compressed the spinal cord at the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebral level was seen on a sagittal image and a widened right neural foramen with compression of the 6th thoracic nerve root by the mass was seen on an axial image. (B) On T2-weighted images, the mass showed relatively homogeneous similar signal intensity with the spinal cord. (C) On gadolinium-enhanced images, the mass was enhanced homogeneously and distinguished from dura mater.

  • Figure 2 (A) The mass was seen on posterior dura mater intraoperatively. (B) The mass was completely excised.

  • Figure 3 Postoperative plain radiograph showed posterior fixation.

  • Figure 4 (A) The meningotheliomatous tumor cells were arranged in nests reminiscent of paraganglioma with hyalinized stromal vasculature. The tumor cells invaded into adjacent fat tissue (H&E, ×40). (B) Nests of meningotheliomatous tumor cells with several psammoma bodies and proliperated hyalinized vasculatures are noted. Mitosis is not seen (H&E, ×100).

  • Figure 5 (A) On T2-weighted image, there was no local recurrence at one-year follow-up. (B) On a plain radiograph at one-year follow-up, mild kyphosis was seen.


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