Korean J Dermatol.
1979 Apr;17(2):131-137.
Two Cases of Unusual Scabies
Recently tnere have been many reports about scabies aggravated during treatment with topical fluorinated st roid. We describe bere two cases of scabies showing unusual clinical features associated. with topical steroid a.nd morphology of different s.zges of 5arcoptes scabiei coliected from the patient. In first case who was 20 year-old riiale patient treated with topical betamethasone cream and antihistaminics per os for 2 months, we collected 62 mites from 130 burrows: 45 adult females, 5 adult males, 6 deutonymphs, 4 protonymphs and 2 larvae. In second case who was 29 year old male patient treated with topical steroid (Esperson), for one month, we rollected 9 adult female itch mites and two (male & female) Dermatophagoides pteronyssnus from 48 burrows.