Yonsei Med J.  1987 Jun;28(2):112-118. 10.3349/ymj.1987.28.2.112.

A Study of Allergy Skin Tests with Korean Pollen Extracts

  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


In Korea, there are two descrite pollen seasons: a tree pollen season and a weed pollen season. In order to investigate the incidence of sensitization to the major pollens and to evaluate is clinical significance in respriatory allergic disease, skin prick tests were performed using 7 species of Korean pollen extracts (K-P extracts) and specific IgE was measured by the Phadebas radioallergosorbent test (RAST) in patients with positive skin prick tests. Of the 317 patients with respiratory allergic diseases 73 patients (23.0%) were skin prick test positive to one or more K-P extracts and the positive reactions to individual pollens were as follows: 14.2% (45/317) positive to sagebrush 10.4% to ragweed, 5.0% to grass, 4.1% to oak, 3.8% to alder, 1.9% to poplar; and 0% to pine. The 30-39yr old group manifested the highest skin test positivity 36.7%. There was no difference in the skin reactivity according to the patient's sex and the kinds of allergic disease. Also there was no relationship between birth season and skin test positivity. The agreement between the results of the skin prick test with K-P and commercially prepared Bencard's pollen extracts (B-P extracts) was good. There were good correlations between the strongly positive skin prick test and a posivite RAST and also between a netative skin prick test and a negative RAST. From this study, it can be concluded that overall sensitization rate of respiratory allergy patients to K-P exstracts was 23.0%, and that weed pollens such as sagebrush and ragweed were major pollens.


Skin prick tests; Korean pollen extract (K-P extracts); radioallergosorbent test (RAST)

MeSH Terms

Pollen/adverse effects*
Radioallergosorbent Test
Respiratory Hypersensitivity/diagnosis
Respiratory Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
Skin Tests

Cited by  1 articles

Pollen allergy plants in Korea
Chein-Soo Hong
Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2015;3(4):239-254.    doi: 10.4168/aard.2015.3.4.239.

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