Korean J Parasitol.  1980 Dec;18(2):229-234. 10.3347/kjp.1980.18.2.229.

Epidemiological study of Paragonimus westermani in Wiseong County, Kyungpook Province, Korea

  • 1Department of Parasitology, Kyongpook National University, School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea.


This survey was undertaken to determine the recent prevalence of lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, in the three localities of Wiseong county, Kyungpook Province, Korea and to compare the prevalence among the residents in the same areas between 1924 and 1980. The three localities, Ku-seong, Sam-chun, and Um-ji villages (dong) have been known as the endemic areas of Paragonimus westermani. The surveys were made on the general population. They were examined using intradermal test with Paragonimus westermani antigen, and the diagnosis of paragonimiasis was made depending on the positive intradermal reaction. The sputum examination could not be performed beacause the residents were inaccessible. The prevalence of Paragonimus westermani among the residents in the three communities varied from 1.4 percent to 7.9 per cent, with an average of 4.0 per cent. Whereas, the average reported by Ichinomiya in 1924 was 4.7 percent. There are no significant differences in the sex and age specific rates of infection between 1924 and 1980. With the abundant density of Semisulcospira snails and crayfish in Sam-chun stream and the high rate of infection with Paragonimus westermani among the residents in the village, it is found that Sam-chun village, one of the three localitied in Wiseong county, where Ichinomiya (1924) surveyed, was still the endemic focus of Paragonimus westermani.

MeSH Terms

Paragonimus westermani
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