J Korean Soc Emerg Med.
1997 Mar;8(1):65-70.
- Affiliations
- 1Department of Emergency Medicine, Ewha Womans University MokDong Hospital, Korea.
Nephrolithiasis is one of the most common disease seen in the Emergency Department. Among the patients who visited in the Emergency Department with acute abdominal pain, many people were suspected urolithiasis. Because of limitation of diagnostic method on Emergency Department we planned this study in order to confirm the our accuracy of diagnosis and the possibility of misdiagnosis. During 5 months from April 1996 to August 1996, the 189 patients was suspected the urolithiasis. Among this patient, 51 cases was excluded due to incomplete study. After performing P/ex, U/A KUB in the Emergency Department, they were followed out patients department of Urology and performed Intravenous Pyelogram. The sensitivity and specificity for KUB were 84.5% and 94.0%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 93.8%, the negative predictive value was 93.8%. Diagnostic accuracy of urolithiasis in our Emergency Department is 89.1%. There was no relationship between urinary occult blood and KUB or IVP. There was no relationship between degree of occult blood and diagnosis of urolithiasis. For differential diagnosis of urolithisis, emergency ultrasound and IVP will be available. So combination of this diagnostic methods will improve accuracy and safety of diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis.