KoreaMed, a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE), provides access to articles published in Korean medical, dental, nursing, nutrition and veterinary journals. KoreaMed records include links to full-text content in Synapse and publisher web sites.
Multinucleated giant cells of osteoclast-like appearance can be seen in a type of anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid and only a few case reports for fine needle aspiration cytologic findings are...
Aspergillous hypophysitis is an unusual cause of sella turcica enlargement, and this malady has a clinical presentation as a pituitary tumor, and especially as a pituitary adenoma. We report here...
Development of an invasive squamous cell carcinoma within a branchial cleft cyst (branchiogenic carcinoma) is very rare and this case is the first description of cytologic findings in Korea. A...
Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction is a rare clinical syndrome which is characterized by intestinal obstruction without occluding lesions in the intestinal lumen and pregnancy is one of the important aggravating factors....
Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of uterine cervix is rare and cytomorphology in the vaginal smear have not been previously described in Korean literatures. The cytologic characteristics of clear cell adenocarcinoma...