Kosin Med J.  2022 Mar;37(1):27-36. 10.7180/kmj.22.014.

Sleep and vaccine administration time as factors influencing vaccine immunogenicity

  • 1World Vision, Kampala, Uganda
  • 2London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
  • 3Department of Pediatrics, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea


The immunogenicity of vaccines is affected by host, external, environmental, and vaccine factors; in addition, sleep or circadian rhythms may also have effects. With the use of vaccines to mitigate the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, research is underway to clarify what time of the day is optimal for COVID-19 vaccination and how disturbances of circadian rhythms will affect the immunogenicity of the vaccine in shift workers. Studies on the relationship between sleep time and the immunogenicity of vaccines for influenza and hepatitis have demonstrated that less sleep time and sleep deprivation tended to adversely affect immunogenicity. In some studies, there were even sex differences in these effects. When comparing shift workers with disturbances in their circadian rhythms and those who only worked during the day, one study found less antibody formation in shift workers; however, further studies on the relationship between shift work and the immunogenicity of vaccines are needed. Studies on the relationship between vaccine administration time and immunogenicity have shown different results according to age and sex. Therefore, future studies on vaccine administration time and immunogenicity may require an individualized approach for each vaccine and each population to be vaccinated. There is accumulating evidence on the effects of sleep and vaccine administration time on the immunogenicity of vaccines. However, further studies are needed to determine whether the association between immunogenicity and circadian rhythms and vaccine administration time can be used as a basis to increase the immunogenicity for individual vaccines.


Circadian rhythms; Immunogenicity, vaccines; Sleep


  • Fig. 1. Summary of study results on the relationship between sleep or vaccine administration time and vaccine efficacy. (A) Sleep deprivation, sleep restriction, or short sleep reduced the antibody response to the vaccine antigen. Sleep boosted the Th1 immune response after immunization. (B) Studies on vaccine administration time and vaccine efficacy differed in study design, and the results on vaccine efficacy were inconsistent.



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